Sunday, March 4, 2012

Do not adjust your monitor. I'm wearing pants.

I rarely don pants, jeans, slacks, or anything of the sort. That's partly because I often find them unflattering, but also due to the fact that they've become almost mandatory apparel for the 21st-century female & any form of mindless "groupthink", sartorial or otherwise, grates on my nerves.

That said, I've been drawn to the colored denim trend since I first started seeing it last year. J & I were at dinner in Hampden one night & an impossibly thin young woman (think Audrey Hepburn, but blond) passed by the restaurant window wearing bright red skinnies, a simple black top, & black ballet flats. She looked fabulous & I wished I could find a pair of bright jeans that would flatter my older, non-size-0 body. After a good bit of searching & a few dressing room mirror incidents that left me needing a stiff drink (H&M, how could you?!?!?) I found not one, but two pairs of bright jeans I adore.

The ones in this pic are Calvin Klein, from Marshalls - really. They're surprisingly curve-friendly & don't make me feel as if I've stolen my teenage niece's pants. I grabbed a Velvet Heart pair in purple at Century 21 during our recent visit to NY & am still trying to figure out how to style them so I don't appear to be in Ravens fan gear (does someone perhaps own one black sweater too many?) If & when I figure it out, I may post a pic. 'Til then, I dare you to think beyond blue, denim-wise, & have some fun!